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Pet Alien is an All-CGI Cartoon cartoon that follows the life of young man Tommy Cadle and his alien house guests Dinko, Gumpers, Swanky, Flip and Scruffy. A total of 22 episodes were produced, though a number of them were left unaired in the original broadcast on Cartoon Network. Before CN US got the rights, it aired on the defunct pay-tv network Animania HD, an HD channel (the first of its kind) that aired anime and cartoons (obviously). It will also be aired on Qubo on June 26 2017.

Tommy Cadle’s life is turned upside down when a group of wild and outrageous aliens crash into his world. Taking refuge in his lighthouse and taking over his life, the young earth boy struggles to educate his house guests about the way things are done on Earth. But the uninvited aliens have their own ideas about what’s best for Tommy and his fabulous little mudball of a planet.


Qubo Episodes- Pet Alien
